As part of the PDHPE program at Giant Steps, all students are involved in living an active and healthy lifestyle.
I like to move it, move it!
As part of the PDHPE program at Giant Steps, all students are involved in living an active and healthy lifestyle. A part of this is motivating and encouraging students to move and groove in structured activities and one of our favourites are therapy balls.
We often embed therapy balls within our morning meetings, or add it in as a session break throughout the day. Using video modelling staff have created some key therapy ball action songs to popular songs, and these are used to support student’s learning and participation in the actions. Obviously there are some additional benefits to the therapy ball songs – other than getting the students moving – we are also encouraging students to engage socially as they move jointly with others, adjust their actions to keep in time with others and hopefully seek to share their experience with their peers or adults through social referencing. We hope you enjoy sharing these videos with your students and they are as much of a hit with you as they are at Giant Steps.
Many thanks to the ever-talented Music Therapy Team at Giant Steps. Special acknowledgement to Catherine Haining (Hey Baby! and YMCA) and Bronte Arns (Bounce and Stop) for keeping us all in tune.
Moving to music on therapy balls

Rachael Bowen
Giant Steps Sydney
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